Thinking about purchasing a home security system? Need a little bit more persuading? We have compiled five of the best benefits from having a security system installed at your home.
- Protection of loved ones from intruders: The goal is simple, to provide you with a peace of mind with our state of the art intruder deterrent. Our modern wireless alarm system is an easy and quick install and has modern alarm technology to make sure your home is safe.
- Protection of family assets that can’t be replaced: With a reliable home security system in your home, you can sleep well knowing your precious belongings and your family are safe and secure.
- Instantly monitor your home when you are away/overseas: With our Orisec, Hikvision and Avigilion systems, you can monitor your CCTV and alarm on your mobile with an internet connection, so no matter where you are, you have peace of mind. It is also quite fun to be able to watch what is going on at home when you are lying on the beach.
- Homeowners insurance rates could go down: Did you know that insurance companies could decrease your homeowner rate by 20% when you install an intruder alarm and that could not be easier with our wireless intruder alarm systems
- DID YOU KNOW? Only 9% of consumers own a security camera, however around 70% of burglaries can be stopped by CCTV.
Avigilion CCTV Wireless Alarm Hikvision CCTV
If you are interested in any home security solutions or are after something more complex, please do not hesitate to call, email or message us today for a free quote.